
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Review Post

There are hundreds of organizations that cater to people living in poverty. Some have a centralized focus, while others deal with poverty as a whole. UNICEF, acronym for The United Nations Children's Fund, is one of the major organizations that focusses on children living in poverty. UNICEF has the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality, thereby building a world where the rights of every child are realized. 

UNICEF rooted itself in December 1946, after World War II, to provide food, clothing, and health care, to the European children that faced famine. This impacted many, allowing them to be a part of such movement. Today, UNICEF is active in 190 countries and territories,

  • Advocating for children,
  • Promoting girls' education,
  • Immunizing children against common childhood diseases, and
  • Fundraising on behalf of the children.
UNICEF had gone beyond just being an organization by itself, but has also reached out to students (colleges and high schools) to help them advocate, educate, and fundraise, in making their vision become a reality. UNICEF has also created a donations page, where anyone can donate any amount they would like to (can be found on their home page). Doing your part does not necessarily mean being physically there or donating, UNICEF has made it known that these kids need support as well. Advocating, Posting on social media, and any other type of support that one can deliver makes the child believe that there is still hope. 

UNICEF is a unique organization because it provides HOPE for children. It is an organization that not just tells the kids that tomorrow will be better, but shows them how to make tomorrow better by giving them the chance of a healthy tomorrow and living. 

I have included a link to UNICEF's website below.

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