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"Growing the number and effectiveness of Global Citizens to achieve the public, business and political commitment and action to end extreme poverty."This is the mission that The Global Poverty Project upholds. The organization believes that unity, togetherness, and effectiveness is the one way to eradicating world poverty. It is an international education and advocacy organization working towards the end of extreme poverty by 2030. The organization plans on catalyzing systemic change for the world's poor by;
  • Designing and hosting campaigns on critical issues,
  • Capitalizing on influential moments and key people,
  • Channeling the voices and actions of Global Citizens, and
  • Building the movement to end extreme poverty.

The Global Poverty Project has a "Theory of Change - Extreme poverty will not be ended by charities, businesses or governments working alone. Defeating extreme poverty requires us to change the rules, systems and structures that keep people poor so that the potential of every person can be realised – something that requires the support of all of charities, businesses and governments,"that puts a different light on the eradication of poverty. The organization aspires to change the rules, policies, and practices that contribute to keeping people in extreme poverty. A lot of organizations try to focus on the causes of poverty. Though this holds extreme importance, it is most definitely necessary to realize that the causes of poverty date back to history.  Repeating the "Theory of Change" cycle across many issues, and this movement in particular, can help ensure that governments, businesses, and individuals act in with greater alignment to the interest of the world's poor.

Voices and actions of Global Citizens to campaign and achieve the greatest impact for the world's poor, is the specific role in the broad movement to end extreme poverty, by the Global Poverty Project. This aligns with their charitable objectives and drives all their campaigns and activities towards achieving their mission, vision, and strategic aims. The organization's policy campaign is focused on six themes:
  1. Health: Because of the vitality of good health to children and its productivity to their growth, the Global Poverty Project works towards a world where polio is eradicated, health systems deliver, and all children receive immunization.
  2. Education: 57 million children are currently out of school, with 31 million of them being girls. Global Poverty Project aims to provide quality education, enabling these children to live healthy, prosperous, empowered lives.
  3. Food, Water, and Sanitation: Basic amenities such as food, water, and sanitation, are needed for individuals and communities to bloom. Though there is abundance of such amenities in the world, many still lack it. Global Poverty Project campaigns to address the root causes and systematic gaps that exist in such sectors.
  4. Women and Girls: The majority of people that live in poverty are women and girls. The Global Poverty Project is committed to working towards a world where women and girls get full education, are treated equally within their community, and have access to modern family planning information and services.
  5. Innovation and Enterprise: As the world is evolving, so is innovation, technology, and enterprise. Global Poverty Project aims at ensuring that families and communities are more sustainable and economically productive, with access to micro and innovative finance, the skills and expertise, and the right trade environment to enable people and societies to build their own way out of poverty.
  6. Environmental Sustainability: The Global Poverty Project is working with partners and Global Citizens to advocate for a global move to a clean energy future.
The Global Poverty Project has their policy campaigning on three intertwining issues:
  1. Aid Quality:According to The Global Poverty Project, Quality and quantity aid demands that all DAC member states give 0.7 percent of GNI in ODA, that these funds are given transparently, and they directly support initiatives that seek to alleviate extreme poverty. The organization is dedicated to ensuring that quality aid initiatives include using proven and effective mechanisms.
  2. Good Governance: It is every man's duty to ensure that they are being dedicated, loyal citizens, as it is businesses and governments responsibilities to ensure that every thought of corruption is abolished.
  3. Fair Trading Systems: As the world unites, so does its trading. Hence, the WHO, the UN, and other world organizations, were formed to see to the world's unity. Trading systems need to create opportunities for the world’s poorest to lift themselves out of extreme poverty.
The Global Poverty Project has partnered up with different esteemed organizations, in making the aforementioned be attained. Their dedicated partners include:
  • Cotton On Foundation,
  • Hewlett-Packard + HP LIFE,
  • United Postcode Lotteries,
  • The Color Run,
  • FedEx,
  • Summer M. Redstone Charitable Foundation,
  • Pratt Foundation,
  • Podio, and a local partner
  • Allen & Overy.
Global Poverty Project has numerous campaigns that it partakes in, but its three focus campaigns are;
  1. 1.4 Billion Reasons: Developed in 2009 as a multimedia presentation that explains the issues that contribute to extreme poverty, and what can be done about them, 1.4 Billion Reasons has targeted specific audience groups in workplaces, schools, religious places, universities, and community grounds. 1.4 Billion Reasons explains what extreme poverty really is, what can be done about it, the barriers to ending extreme poverty, why we should care, and what the actions that you can take.
  2. The End of Polio: The End of Polio involves working with partners for funding and the political will to eradicate polio fever. The organization supports in high level advocacy, public communication, grassroots advocacy, and media engagement.
  3. Live Below The Line: Live Below the Line challenges everyday people to live on the equivalent of the extreme poverty line for five days. With the support of over 70 participating charities in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada,  the Global Poverty Project has been able to coordinate and effectively run this program. 
On Jan 1, 2014, the Global Poverty Project launched a new organizational strategy for 2014-2018. This strategy is focused on the role of the Global Citizen in ending extreme poverty by 2030, with the focus on four key goal:
  1. Growing a movement of global citizens,
  2. Retaining global citizens,
  3. Winning campaigns to reduce extreme poverty, and
  4. Sustaining Global Poverty Project.
From the aforementioned, the dedication of the Global Poverty Project is quite transparent. The organization constantly welcomes new and existing global citizens, around the world, to help in attaining their mission, and making their vision - "A world without extreme poverty by 2030" become a reality. I have included a link to the Global Poverty Project's website below.

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